This is the elysis music homepage where you find MP3 and IT ( Impulse Tracker ) modules for free download. ask myself, why do young,
lovely and intelligent girls and boys do such things ? Perhaps because of the money ? I cannot believe that they find it good finding pictures and snapshots of themselves in the internet with all holes filled grinning into the cam. And I ask me how much they get paid for. It is totally stupid in my eyes ! I do also not provide crackz, cheatz, gamez or warez because it is illegal, but I think money is the root of all evil.
The 'z' inicates, that it is illegal. And what I cannot understand are the hackers. I mean the REAL hackers
who write toolz like a mailbomber, portscanner, keytagger and stuff and provide it in the internet, where little kiddies and like-to-be-hackers download the stuff pulling on everybodies nerves. On the one hand I find the freedom in the internet great but on the other hand, in such times when a lamer has nuked me, I think it is not good, that the provider cannot do anything against the hackers until the hacked person writes to the provider and when they find the right position in their protocols, the hacked person has to go to police and almost nobody does that. Stop all that hacking of private
persons, guys, this brings politicians on ideas to limit the freedom in the internet.
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